S’pore and Kyoto: Irresponsibility and Missed Opportunities
(This piece was adapted and reprinted in Elements (Apr-Jun Issue 1), pg. 6, the newsletter of the Singapore Environmental Council.)
The Kyoto Protocol, the international treaty to fight global warming by imposing caps on carbon dioxide emissions in developed countries, has just come into force.
The Ministry of Environment’s observation that a large proportion of our carbon dioxide emissions is the result of production of goods that are exported, rather than consumed locally (Straits Times, Feb 17, “Singapore Committed to Cutting Carbon Emissions”) is a tenuous reason to hesitate against signing on to Kyoto; from these exports, our economy prospers from the resulting trade surpluses and our workers earn living wages that drive domestic consumption of other goods. As beneficiaries of the release of greenhouse gases, we must take responsibility.
There are other good reasons to sign on to
Emissions caps do not mean that we sacrifice economic welfare. As even Michael Porter, world-renown business management guru, recognizes, environmental regulation can create “innovation offsets,” where compliance to environmental standards spurs quality improvements in business production processes, which either result in energy consumption savings or superior and higher-priced products, that more than compensate for the cost of compliance.
Many of our ASEAN neighbours have ratified the Kyoto Protocol.
For the sake of our children, so should